Sunday, March 11, 2012

Crawling out of the Woodwork

It's been over a year since I last posted. How does that happen? Does this happen to you too? It's like sometimes the things you REALLY do want to do get pushed off to the side (and then fall behind something, and then roll under something...). I really do want to blog. I also really want to "get organized", keep a clean house, exercise consistently, and be generally a more pleasant person. Not really super ambitious  life what is getting in the way?

Today I made it to church for the first time in months. An almost four year old is a much better companion than then 3yr old last brought in the fall and perhaps there was some divine intervention trying to gently reward me for getting back there as my 21 month old took an off schedule nap and stayed home with Daddy. The homily was about missing "it". About how we are so busy going, planning, moving, fast, fast, fast...that many of us are missing IT.

I actually felt pretty good after this sermon because I am pretty sure those things I was beating myself up over not getting done...they are not IT. However, the walk I took with my kids to the playground yesterday, the cup of coffee I leisurely enjoyed with my husband in the morning, the phonecall I had with a great friend, I am pretty sure that's IT.

Treats and Chaos- it's what I decided to name my blog as those are my cats names. However they are aptly named. Life. It is full of Treats and Chaos. After almost ten years, I actually don't know which Cat is the alpha-male. At first it seemed obvious; Chaos reigned. Yet, over time it seems if you really pay attention to Treats, the stronger you realize he is.  He is not always as visible, he is not always as obvious, but he is here.

Hope to be back sooner than last time, but if I am not- don't hold it against me. :)